Saturday, March 7, 2015

Murder Mystery

Come join us at Nipclub Manor March 14-15, 2015 for the Nipclub Monthly Pawty!

The Murder Mystery is set up like a Clue game with six suspects, six weapons, eight rooms, and of course, a victim! During the pawty, the suspects will be questioned, clues will be tweeted, the blog will be frequently updated with all the available investigative information, and you, the pawty guests, will help to solve the crime!

Clues and tidbits of back stories for each suspect will be tweeted throughout the weekend. All the suspects are attached to the victim in some way and everyone has a motive! 

Pawty guests can mingle, question suspects, read the detective notes on the blog as they become available, and try to determine which suspect is guilty! 

The Murder Mystery is set in the 1920s. Come dressed in your favorite period clothing and join the fun! 

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the pawty!

1 comment:

  1. Ooo goodiez. A whoo didit. We iz gonna tryz tu be there. Wit our dna kitz and our magnifiing glazzes. Yippeez. 😺😸
